Thought Might is a community blog. It’s open to everyone. Anyone can write here.
On what topics can writing be submitted?
You can write about these topics: Poem, Joke, Story, Lifestyle, Tutorial, Book, Science and Technology, Controversy, Traveling, Movie Review, Sport, Entertainment, Politics, Education, Nature, Health, and other topics you care about.
If you are interested, follow this simple step:
Click on the “Register” menu.
Click Log in with Facebook/Twitter/Google button. Allow permission. Now, allow some time to create your account.
Register without Facebook/Twitter/Google
If you do not have a Facebook/Twitter/Google account or you do not wish to register with them, provide username, email and click on the Register button. Now check your email. Check Spam if not found in Inbox.
Click on the first link in the email. You will be asked to set a password:
It’s hard to remember the password you’ve been given. So enter a password that you can remember (but no one else can guess. For example, your mobile number, date of birth, your name or name of your loved one should not be used).
Click Reset Password. Your registration is over. Log in now.
Write your first post
If you know about WordPress, you know how easy it is to create a post with WordPress. After logging in, you will find a dashboard. Click on Posts>Add New. Or click on Post by clicking this + (plus) sign:
See the next steps in the picture:
After clicking on the Publish button, the “Submit for Review” button will appear. Clicking on it will bring the post to us. We will publish the post if it is deemed appropriate.
If you want to edit or delete a post after it has been published, you need to contact us. So, before submitting the post, please double-check it. If a blogger publishes more than one standardized article, he or she may have the opportunity to publish a post directly.
Happy blogging!
Addition: You can also send us your writing by email. Our email address: