Great China on the one hand, and the Indian subcontinent on the other. Bhutan is a place of peace in the middle.
Just as Bhutan has no record of some people becoming millionaires fast, so does Bhutan have no record of people being displaced. Health checkups are provided free of charge in Bhutan and no one in Bhutan rushes to Singapore, Thailand, Europe or the United States for medical need. The main goal of the Bhutanese Ministry of Health is “A Nation with the Best Health”.
Since 2010, Bhutan has banned the production, distribution, and sale of any kind of tobacco or drug. Bhutan is the world’s first non-smoking country. And in our alleys, at every turn, there is a scattering of yaba and cigarettes.
Bhutan’s goal is to save the country’s main resource, the youth; to find effective ways to prevent the disease before rushing to doctors, hospitals or clinics. Living in the realm of disease, just running around in labs, clinics, hospitals, nothing will happen. A physically ill nation cannot move forward.
The most attractive aspect of Bhutan is their ecology system. We believe in direct action and cash. Cut down trees, fill canals, rivers and just increase your profit, this is our motto. But Bhutan is the complete opposite. Their goal is not individual profit, but overall profit.
If the ecology system is destroyed, the country will not be able to survive in the construction of tall buildings, nuclear projects etc. According to Bhutanese law, the country must have 60% forest cover. But they have 71% forest area. Fifty thousand trees were planted in Bhutan in just one hour in 2015. As a result, Bhutan has caused a stir in the world. Bhutan is the only ‘carbon negative’ country in the world. Which means nature absorbs more carbon than it produces.
Bhutan is not just a pure air colony, no one in Bhutan can even think of adding poison to their own food. As I said before, health first, the whole of Bhutan is 100% organic. Import and use of any kind of chemical products in food is strictly prohibited.
Another surprising aspect of Bhutan is that they have the only one in the world, “The Ministry of Happiness”.
The Gross National Happiness Committee was formed in 2008 to look after people’s peace of mind. And to take care that no one suffers from mental exhaustion, depression. Because depression leads to unrest, anarchy.
They give more important to “GNH” or “Gross National Happiness” than “GDP” or Gross Domestic Product. In 2015, they conducted a nationwide census, where the question was: How happy are you living in Bhutan? 91% of people call themselves happy, 43% call themselves deeply happy.
Bhutan does not want to make itself Canada, Malaysia, Singapore. Bhutan wants to make itself Bhutan. Bhutan is not shouting that it will lend to all the countries of the world in the next so many years. The goal is to be debt free.