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Extinction Rebellion

Extinction Rebellion

I first came across this term while reading a synopsis of a book named Althusser, a novel written by Mashrur Arefin. I started to read more about the term online. This rebellion is about climate and ecological change. I found this, like many other, rebellion in the form of civil disobedience very relevant and appropriate in the present days when climate change narratives including climate fictions are proliferating.

Apart from this, many recent incidents like Amazon fire and also wildfires in USA have repeatedly exposed that climate change is not a hoax rather it’s very real. As for the developing countries like Bangladesh the impact of climate change will be an unmanageable catastrophe. Bangladesh has faced several long lasting floods phase by phase in the recent years including 2020.

Extinction rebellion is also known as XR in its abbreviated term. One of the most important tenets of this very organized rebellion is “Tell the Truth”. Insisting the government to tell the reality about climate change and its possible impact. How the governments are viewing it, approaching it, what are their strategy and policy in this regard. The denial of climate change and its impact among many governments has also been of concern. Though the XR was established in UK in 2018 the wave has affected all the countries within a very short period of time as of the global concern.

As human race if we want to evade the possibility of extinction we will have to learn to live and co-exist with all other components of natural ecosystem, Earth ecological reality. We will have to save them by not acting selfishly. In all ways now, saving others means saving Ourselves.

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